Barmageddon is a game show that airs on USA Network at 11 p.m. ET. The show premiered last December, and WWE Hall of Famer Nikki Garcia hosts the show. The Voice Season 22 coach Blake Shelton also featured on the Barmageddon.
Last night, Michael Cole promoted season 2 of the game show during Monday Night RAW. Cole didn’t mention Nikki Garcia’s involvement in Barmageddon. Instead, he announced Blake Shelton as the host of the show.
Both Nikki and Brie Garcia are not on good terms with WWE. Last March, they dropped the “Bella” name and announced their departure from the company.
In a recent interview, Nikki Garcia said that she had expected a discussion with WWE management about keeping the “Bella” name. However, WWE informed her through a legal letter that the company owned the trademark.