Young Rock is a television series that showcase Dwayne Johnson’s life and career. The television series began airing on NBC on February 16th, 2021. However, NBC announced that the show would be canceled after the third season.
The ratings of Young Rock have decreased within the last three years. The first season gained an average of 3 million viewers with a 0.62 demographic. The ratings have decreased to 2.23 million with a 0.39 demographic when season two began. The show’s ratings further decreased to 1.4 million with a 0.25 demographic after NBC decided to go head-to-head with FOX’s SmackDown on Friday.
Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer reported that NBC had wanted to cancel Young Rock. Meltzer said NBC knew ratings would drop after the show moved to Fridays.
“I knew when they moved it to Friday night that this was coming, because it was not going to draw head-to-head with SmackDown. The minute you saw that you go, ‘no thinking person would ever schedule Young Rock head-to-head with SmackDown, but they did, and the show wasn’t doing great on Tuesday anyway, so it might have been a way to justify.
a lot of times in television someone wants a show canceled, and they don’t want the heat canceling it, so what they do is move it to Friday night or Saturday, and it does terrible ratings, because those nights do terrible ratings, and then they can justify it by saying, ‘look at the ratings.”
H/T Ringside News
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