Gionna Daddio, also known as Liv Morgan, was arrested on Thursday, December 14th, at 6:26 p.m. for possession of marijuana after a traffic stop in Sumter County, Florida. Morgan was charged with possession of marijuana (not more than 20 grams) and possession of drugs, possibly synthetic cannabinoids. She was released on a $3,000 bond on December 14th at 10:04 p.m.
PWInsider reported that the charge of possession of drugs, possibly synthetic cannabinoids, against Liv Morgan was dropped on January 2nd. That was a serious charge and a felony in Florida.
PWInsider also noted that Liv Morgan’s remaining charge was transferred to the county’s Misdemeanor Court Division. She was supposed to appear at the Sumter County Courthouse in Florida on February 12th at 9:00 a.m. but the arraignment has been canceled. There will be a status conference related to her charge of possession of marijuana (not more than 20 grams) on February 20th.
Liv Morgan’s remaining charge was a first-degree misdemeanor in Florida.